Yogasth Foundation is dedicated to the cause of uplifting the human awareness, developing human potentials and bringing a kind of spiritual consciousness among the masses, not only in India but in whole world.
Yogasth Foundation has some programs by which it caters to the needs of the true seekers and the sadhkas. One of the Programs is YOGASTHSANG (YOGASTH SATSANG) the yogic way of satsang.

Satsang as you know is assembly of spiritual seekers, where the truth is sought, where the truth is found out by meditation, soul searching, reason, logic, discussions and defiantly by the Yogic Kriyas or the Yogic methods.

YOGASTHSANG which is said to bring an awareness among the society, among the human beings to enable them to rise to higher awareness, to enlighten themselves and to follow the right path and attain the libration, attain the wisdom and stay SATCHITANAND that is stay conscious and aware, stay blissful, and stay in the state of creativity.

YOGASTHSANG is a platform as I said this is one of the main programs, it is a platform where the discussions, discourses, interactions, lectures and participation of the people , of sadhkas, to discuss spirituality, to discuss its various parts, various aspects of spirituality, to discuss various methods, methodologies, and techniques of spirituality like Yoga,Tantra, Kundalini, Meditation, Kriyas, and many such other things.

YOGASTHSANG also brings to fore the myths and misconceptions prevailing in the society which veils or which obstructs a true seeker to come to know the real self, residing within him/ her.

YOGASTHSANG is also a platform for all the people to come, ask, enquire, raise questions, raise queries, and seek the truth, which they are looking for. YOGASTHSANG is also a platform for the people of expertise from different walks of life. Fields like philosophy, psychology, the modern psychology, spirituality and definitely the fields of science , metaphysical science etc. , come together where we can make this world better, blissful, happy, healthy.

YOGASTHSANG – The satsang of Yogis, the yogic folklore. As we say the yogic style to explore the truth, to seek the truth, to stay healthy holistically and live a blissful life. Staying in a state of equilibrium and balance, with wisdom, bliss and creativity is what is known as Yogasth